Peachy New Year and Happy First Block anniversary!
Dear Bitcoiners, Dear precious Peach users,
From the bottom of our heart 🧡, the Peach team wishes you a bullish year ahead 🐃!
May 2025 be full of sats in your bag 🌽 and love in your chest 💜!
Today is also the Genesis of Freedom, the day where the first Bitcoin block was mined on January 3rd, 2009. 16 years ago! And Bitcoin already passed the 100K bar! Crazy! This day is the real Bitcoin anniversary in my opinion. If I had to chose one birthday date between this one and the whitepaper day (October, 31st 2008), then I would chose the Genesis block. That's when the TimeChain started. The immutable, transparent chain of blocks setting the tone. 10 mins block. Godspeed. Signaling the Truth. From January 3, 2009 onwards, what happened in the past can't be altered. Powerful beyond what I can imagine right now.

As per every new year tradition, let me do a bit of flashback of the year 2024. What happened for Peach and for me, proofofsteph, founder of Peach in 2022.
2025 starts with a complete new dimension as I now have 2 babies: Peach and a wonderful baby girl. I don't identify as an entrepreneur anymore but as a Mama Entrepreneur! I am taking the time to mention it because believe me it changes the way I run my business (I hope to deep dive on this topic in another newsletter). An early stage startup is a pure reflection and elongation of its founder. Just like a baby doesn't have a sense of self for the first few years, the startup neither. The startup is the founder.
Given the challenges of motherhood and looking back on 2024, I am very proud that Peach is simply still alive and running, and even growing! Number Go Up 🚀
2024 was the year of paradigm changes in:
The year started with a radical and sudden change (well, gradually then suddenly) in the core team. I am a product and visionary type of founder. I am not an engineer and Peach is not a one person project. Partnership, in life and business, is the most delicate engagement. Humans are the flaws. That's why we Bitcoin, by the way :) Code is code! 0 and 1 are 0 and 1, full stop!
If you partner well, your life or business can get exponentially better. If you don't, get ready for heavy turbulences! But thanks God, despite a divorce that could have costed the child's heath (I am talking about Peach here!), the company kept operating. Users don't see what happens behind the scene of a service but it costs a tremendous of energy and faith to keep it running. I am NGL (not gonna lie), I also said fuck it. I give up. But then I connect to Peach dashboard and I see peer-to-peer trades happening every day. I see the volume growing slowly and steadily but surely. I login to our telegram group, and I see amazing supporters. And so I came to a conclusion, as long as I can operate this business, I will. Why? Because some people out there, strangers and anon, are fucking stacking sats KYC-free every day thanks to my app and it's fucking awesome!!!
Then, mid year passed by. My second engineer in chief, a young bright driven and self taught coder took the reins. He delivered and enhanced a very cool and unique feature GroupHug (payout transactions batching) for everyone which improved Peach profitability and users saving on network fees.
Right after, as a toxic ungovernable sovereign Bitcoin Woman that I am, I gave birth at home. Away from the procedures of government hospital and shit. (another story to write about). Since then, new Bitcoiners joined the team as well. We are still a super lean team. I am always in the lookout of genuine partners interested in helping us developing this cool marketplace. Whatever it's financial, engineering or marketing partners, I am here to scale Peach with a great team, so dm me or shout in our telegram group if you are the scarce asset we need.
And suddenly, end of year 2024 was there.
To be frank, we didn't ship much new stuffs this year. We were focused on maintaining the boat afloat and managing resources (time, energy and humans). But new stuffs are planned and forr the curious ones, here is our 2025 ambitious goals and pipeline:
Peach4Trader project: It's a trading mechanism upgrade which will allow buyers to be the maker of an offer. Currrently, Peach is a one-way mechanism where only the seller is a maker. We want to upgrade it to facilitate market discovery for the sellers, and volume velocity.
Progressive Web App and Peach on desktop: Apple is not accepting a p2p exchange on their marketplace globally so we gotta find other ways. Peach on Desktop will also broaden the appeal!
Nostr integration: we are close to make every offer published on Peach automatically published on Nostr as well😊
Layer-2: we started this project that got abandoned fault of ressources. It's about Liquid and LN. If you wanna contribute to help us, you are WELCOME!
That's it for me, peaches!
With peachy regards,
Make Stacking Sats Peer-to-Peer the Standard,
Share your referral code with your friends
They get 1 free buy trade and you get referral points to redeem for sats back and more.
Bitcoiners don't Hodl for greed, they HodL for prosperity.
Whenever you have a need to sell some sats to live your sovereign day-to-day life or to buiDL your dreams, do it on Peach. It's FREE to sell here!
30 days BTC price All-Time-High on Peach, peer-to-peer marketplace:

Reminder to TRADERS and ARBITRAGE affectionados: It’s FREE to sell on Peach at the BTC price that you deserve. We only charge 2% to the buyer.
Our live order book is available on our website 👇
👉To High volume Sellers only and professionals, we propose a KYC service to allow you to sell on Peach without a trading limit. Get in touch with us at [email protected]

Are you a meetup organiser?
Do you own a Bitcoin shop? An event/conference organiser?Integrate your event or shop into our app to facilitate CASH trades at your location.
Earn 100% of our revenue for all the cash trades that happened at your meetup! Receive your custom ref code, swags, flyers and all our support to educate people on trading anonymously
send an email #CASH4SATS, to receive all the info.
Peach is very tiny team. Any help and support is greatly appreciated! Wanna partner with us? Wanna promote us? Wanna join the team as a local or regional Peach Brand ambassador? 👀 Get in touch with us now!

January 5th, 2025