Newsletter October 4
Welcome to Hacktober

Hello Peaches! 🍑
As we are entering October, we'd like to start reminding all our subscribers about the long tradition of making this month one of the most profitable for Open Source Development all around the world: #Hacktoberfest
Doing a literal copy paste of the Hacktoberfest GitHub repo:
"Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open source projects, their maintainers, and the entire community of contributors. Each October, open source maintainers give new contributors extra attention as they guide developers through their first pull requests on GitHub."
So in case you were waiting for a sign to start contributing to some of your favorite open source projects, this is it! If you don't contribute to the software products that sustain the whole world, who is going to do it?
And especially taking into account that this is the 10th anniversary of this festival, stop reading and contribute to any of your favorite open source software products right now! (But hey, get back, we've also got some cool news for you!)

To start with this month's newsletter, we'd like to remark on one thing that we've seen lately in our app, and we want all our users to be aware of it.
We are having a quite big wave of SCAMMERS using PAYPAL. This is why we will apply some rules to only allow seasoned traders in our app with a certain reputation to use this payment method.
Enough with the bad news, let's go with the bright side of things!
As you may have noticed, just a month ago we launched in Latin America and Africa (though it feels like ages!), and we're extremely happy with the response we've had from users and Bitcoin educators from all around the world.
These last ones have helped us voluntarily bring Peach to all the surrounding newbies as the easiest way to protect them from getting rekt, and offer a proper platform to onboard them to Bitcoin.
We want to openly thank you all for this, and also ask again to all Bitcoiners around the world: We need you guys!
Peach Bitcoin's mission is to offer the best security and privacy by default to all users starting (and advancing) their journey in Bitcoin. However, our outreach is limited, and we need people all around the world to help us bring the best Bitcoin practices to their communities.
If you'd like to bring Peach to your country or community, and we're not there yet, LET US KNOW! We will work together to make sure we add the needed Payment Methods for the people around you to be able to buy and sell Bitcoin P2P, KYC-free, with the easiest app out there!
I want to bring Peach to my area!
The new countries so far gave us such a warm welcome, special thanks to Gloire (our great friend helping us with Peach Africa Twitter) and Turizmo in Africa, and to all the Brazilian Bitcoiners who offered themselves to help us translate the app.
The Bitcoin community is awesome.
Another thing that has been cooking on the back scenes of the app is a branch of our business that we'd like to highlight in this newsletter.
As you may know, peer-to-peer markets are not highly liquid, and we've been thinking about how to improve that for our users.
That's how we came up with Peach Business.
While the usual Peach model allows users to buy and sell Bitcoin under CHF 1000 per day, via Peach Business high-volume users will be able to surpass this limit and enjoy some extra advantages for providing liquidity to the market, apart from being able to monetize an average of a 6% premium.
Where else can you find these arbitrage opportunities?😉
If you'd like to go over the CHF 1k/day, get in touch with us by clicking here.
We will deeper explain the advantages you can have by leveraging Peach Business services.
For investors
Peach has been in this world for a little bit more than 52.560 blocks, and we've now reached more people than we ever thought possible.
But we're not stopping here.
Our aim is to grow and be able to provide users all around the world an easy way to trade and transact with Bitcoin without the possibility of being censored or excluded from a healthy financial system.
We want to provide them with easy, fast, secure and private ways of acquiring, holding and selling Bitcoin between peers.
And we want to do that by draining the casino exchanges until they cannot provide more Bitcoin IOUs and moving those coins into the hands of the people, allowing them to create a real p2p marketplace of goods and services.
If you'd like to support us in this mission and give Peach resources to keep expanding all over the world, we'll be gladly open to having a chat with you.
Market Stats
from September 3d to October 4th
Down here, you'll find a recap of the most important stats from the previous weeks. Let us know if you'd like to see any chart or metric that doesn't appear here.
More and more sellers are entering the market, slowly but steadily. Currently, half of the total number of buy offers find a match.
The more sellers, the more competition, and that can be seen in the average premium going down 1 full point.
It is interesting to see that the average amount of sats changes month over month, but the fiat amount keeps being almost the exact same.
Avg. BUY offers / day 150.5 4.516 buy offers created in 30 days
Avg. SELL offers / day 75 2.248 sell offers created in 30 days
Avg. PREMIUM 5.44 % Avg Premium is going down as number of trades grow
Median time to complete a sell trade 14 minutes Number of finished trades 1264 Total amount traded 1 248 180 444 sats 313 109 CHF
Average Trade amount 987 485 sats 248 CHF
Most used Payment Methods
- Revolut
- Sepa
- Wise
- PayPal
- Twint
To end this little rant, I'd like to leave down here one last link, pointing to one of the most special blog posts we've written so far. This one talks about the experiences of the Peach team members during the last year, and how it has felt building Peach from an insider perspective. If you'd like to know about our story, this blog post is for you! Enjoy! 1 year in Peach
October 4th, 2023